Get a great Guy

How to be irresistible to Men – make him hunt you!

Become the irresistible Woman that Men pursue

Overall, it is not very difficult for women to make guys appreciate and like them. And with the proper strategies applied, a woman can also easily learn how to be irresistible to men, in general.

The way to become irresistible to men is to improve yourself, in particular your personality. It is your personality that is the basic tool to rule over their minds. how to be irresistible to men

You will need to accentuate each of your strong points while gradually reducing your weak points.

Please take note that it is definitely not true that only beautiful girls with the looks similar to celebrities can gain proper attention from guys.

Instead, the main key to being irresistible to men is to present yourself with confidence and with an open, positive attitude.

9 great Tips on how to be irresistible to Men

  1. Have Confidence in your Femininity

  2. Smile and laugh

  3. Make Eye Contact

  4. It’s okay to let them know you need them

  5. Know how to accept Defeat gracefully

  6. Show off your unique Personality

  7. Be good to Others

  8. Act sexy

  9. Use Your Sense of Humor

1. Have Confidence in your Femininity

You’ve probably heard or read a lot of advice about having confidence in yourself as a way how to be attractive to the other gender. We’re going to take things a step farther by specifically giving you one of the aspects of your life to be confident about.

In this case, concentrate on being more feminine. Embrace the fact that you’re a woman. Cherish it. And most importantly of all, enjoy being a woman. You’re entitled to be feminine so go ahead and take advantage of that right.

2. Smile and laugh

Some girls do not know how or when to smile. It’s such a shame though since a smile is easily one of the best ways to get you to be irresistible to guys.

There are many different kinds of smiles you can use to attract guys. There’s the polite smile which works great if you’re feeling a little shy. There is also the come hither, the flirtatious smile if you’re feeling extra bold. There’s the “we-share-the-same-pain” smile which can also act as a great ice breaker.

As long as you keep smiling (genuinely, that is), you’ll have no problem reeling guys in. Also, laughter may be the best medicine, but it is also a great technique to attract men. Nowadays, guys are more comfortable with girls who have a sense of humor. They are easily attracted to women who know just how to have fun with their friends.

And if you want to make him smile in turn – a great way to make him feel really attracted to you as he will perceive you as a happy and positive person, check out these ideas on some texts to make him smile. Sometimes, all it takes to make him smile is a short text message to him! And there are always endless things to talk about with a guy (or send him a text about), that would get him excited about you.

3. Make Eye Contact

Another great way on how to be irresistible to men is making eye contact. Sometimes stronger than a spoken word, eye contact has the power to convey all sorts of messages.

In this way, it is quite similar to the smile. Making eye contact with a guy lets him know that you have noticed him and that you’re interested in him. Holding your gaze and curving your lips into a smile is practically an open invitation for a proper introduction. Such confidence is alluring to men, and they won’t be able to keep themselves from approaching you after that.

4. It’s okay to let them know you need them

Becoming irresistible to men also has a lot to do with learning how to understand a man. If you want to become irresistible to the man of your choice, try lowering your pride a bit and let him know when you need him.

This does not mean you have to be all needy and clingy. That’s taking things too far. Simply put, you just have to act naturally and let a guy know when you’d appreciate his manly help. You shouldn’t deny the fact that you’re a woman and as such, there are things that men can do more easily than a woman might be able to.

Also Read: How Guys fall in Love with You

5. Know how to accept Defeat gracefully

Keep in mind that even though you might be able to learn all the tips and tricks in the world in order to master how to be irresistible to men, that does not automatically mean you’ll be the ideal woman for every guy.

There will always be instances where a man may still turn you down. Make sure you understand you’re not always being turned down because you may not be attractive in the eyes of the man in question. It could simply be because the guy’s already committed to, or in love with someone else, or for any other reason outside your realm of influence.

6. Show off your unique Personality

Often, men are attracted to a woman because she might look like his mother or because they are similar to his ex-girlfriend.

However, understand that men find women with unique personalities absolutely irresistible. Therefore, if you want to put a special mark in his mind and heart, you have to show off your unique personality. Think of your best characteristics that other women don’t have and use it to attract men.

7. Be good to Others

Show him how kind and nice you are to other people. Men will ignore and even completely forget about women who nag, insult and make fun of others.

Because men are drawn to women who they believe of they will never hurt them and who they believe of that they know how to take care of them. Men, therefore are strongly drawn to women who are genuinely nice to others. You do not have to be an angel to do this, but you need to learn how to respect others no matter what they’re color and race is.

8. Act sexy

Do you know how to flirt? If you want men to like and love you like crazy, you need to know the art of flirting. Flirting can be simply defined as acting sexy – talking, walking, and smiling sexily.

However, be very careful with putting this to work. Men might think that you are looking for somebody who will either invite you to his place or somebody you can invite to your place. Always know your own limits and never come across as trying too hard.

9. Use Your Sense of Humor

Showing a good sense of humor can be one of the biggest turn ons for guys. Men want somebody who will listen to them and somebody who will share jokes with them. If you have a great sense of humor, you no longer need to think about how to be irresistible to men, you already possess a great character trait that you can use to your advantage.

Further Reading: How to tell if a Guy likes You

How to Get a Guy to Commit – Yes, that CAN be done!

How to Get a Guy to Commit

So, you met this man, and he makes you feel all sorts of things. You think you have great chemistry, and everything has been going well for years. Except one thing – he is noncommittal and you are starting to think you may never be able to figure it out: how to get a guy to commit.

how to get a man to commitSome books about men, written by men, will tell you that the male species, just like women, want to be in a committed relationship, but they don’t want to feel being hooked.

Basically, it just wants to tell you that men don’t want to feel pressured into settling down. But who can wait forever when trying to figure out how to make a guy fall in love with you?

Be careful what you wish for

You can get any man to commit, says every self-help book about the topic. But, I guess, there are men who are just not ready to give up their freedom – no matter how many years you’ve been together.

I’ve dated a man before who blatantly told me right from the get-go that he doesn’t believe in marriage. I should’ve packed my things and left, but what is it about women and their need to “fix” broken men?

The key here is understanding if yours is a hopeless case. Some men just won’t commit to you, and, believe me, no amount of somersaulting in bed can change that.

Your man may also be confused if you’re the right girl for him. That sucks to hear because why would he choose to date you, and stay with you for years if he’s not connecting to you on a deeper level?

Well, some guys do need a little Nudge to get their Act together. And here’s how you help him realize that you’re worth it:

  1. Pique his interest

  2. Always look your best

  3. Show him your World doesn’t revolve around him

  4. Be a supportive Partner

  5. Stop trying to make him commit

1. Pique his interest

The top rule to follow in understanding how to get a guy to commit is to always present yourself as the grand prize, not the consolation prize.

Don’t be someone a man just resorts to because you’re the only one available 24/7 to cater to his needs. Let your uniqueness stand out. Don’t tell him everything about you; don’t give him a rundown of how your daily routine goes. Let him wonder. Wait for him to ask questions, and slowly indulge him.

Women are highly emotional beings, and we tend to share all our feelings, our dreams and fears to our partners. There’s nothing wrong about that. But being an open book doesn’t always work in our favor. It’s all about the mystery; I’m sure you’ve heard that before.

2. Always look your best

Looking your best doesn’t mean looking perfect. It simply means highlighting your assets. Choose clothes that are appropriate to your body type; hair color that matches the color of your eyes; wear makeup that accentuates your facial features and so on. Hygiene is very important, too. I shouldn’t really have to mention that, but there are people who are not so particular with the basics.

3. Show him your World doesn’t revolve around him

When there’s nothing interesting going on with your life, the tendency is to focus on that one person (or thing) who makes your life exciting.  A man knows that he is the center of your world because there are no other things to keep you busy, and that doesn’t make him feel valuable. In fact, he will only feel trapped.

Pretending is pathetic. What you need to do is to find the things you enjoy doing and then do them. Even introverted people have certain activities that interest them.

Look for like-minded individuals or hobbyists; join groups that share your interests. It doesn’t just make you an admirable woman who is in control of her life. It will also help you become a well-rounded person.

4. Be a supportive Partner

Always be appreciative of the little things he does for you. It will encourage him to do the right thing. Resolve your conflicts by polite and affectionate talks.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’d be surprised to know how many of these little annoyances can easily be ignored if we stop obsessing about them. This is not to say you are not allowed to get angry, but you should always avoid shouting, calling names and finger pointing.

5. Stop trying to make him commit

Our last advice on understanding how to get a guy to commit is to make sure you don’t out-rightly ‘scare’ him away. Many men suffer from actual fear of commitment, also called commitment phobia.

The word marriage is almost always a red flag when used at the early stage of the relationship. We sometimes get too excited meeting a man who is husband-material that we are quick to drop hints of raising kids or having that beautiful house by the beach.

This is sure to freak him out, especially if your relationship is not yet stable.
So, are you going to tell him you’re not the marrying type? No. According to Dr. Ian K. Smith, author of the book – The Truth About Men, “The stealth approach almost always works better than tackling this issue head-on. Coming at it sideways won’t scare your man, and he will be more inclined to participate…”

The stealth approach could be an innocent comment about a certain celebrity’s wedding or a friend’s engagement party you need to attend.

How to get a guy to commit – A short Note on Commitment and honest Relationships

Commitment is not a title. It won’t miraculously make your relationship perfect. Remember that if you are truly compatible with your man, there would be no scheming, plotting or evaluating on your part. Everything will fall into place because you both know what you want in the relationship.

Also read: How to get a Guy to marry You

Best Relationship Books – My TOP 5 Picks

My TOP 5 Picks for the best Relationship Books Money can buy

To make love and relationships work, a couple needs to take the prerogative to learn tips and techniques that can bring them closer and make their relationships stronger. Our pick of 5 of the hottest and best relationship books out there, can help.

There are many sources of information available that can help lovers build and strengthen their relationships and marriages. best relationship booksThe market seems to be flooded with books from different authors.

And many of these books about relationships are packed with information on how to reinvigorate and reignite the passion in a relationship.

Here are 5 of our top picks in the category “Best Relationship Books”. Note that they are all somewhat distinct as far as their content. Already from their book titles you will see if any one of those might be of interest to your specific relationship situation or problem. You should also check out this article here, if you are particular interested in free love pdf books.

  1. “The Five Languages of Love (The Secret to Love that Lasts)”

  2. “Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work”

  3. “Deal Breakers: When to Work On a Relationship and When to Walk Away”

  4. “Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship”

  5. “47 Little Love Boosters For a Happy Marriage: Connect and Instantly Deepen Your Bond No Matter How Busy You Are”

1. “The Five Languages of Love (The Secret to Love that Lasts)” – by Dr. Gary Chapman

This incredibly helpful book is written by the globally renowned, highly acclaimed Dr. Gary Chapman. The book looks at one of the most important issues that modern relationships face, namely that different people speak different languages of love.

So what does ‘languages of love’ mean in the context of the book? Language of love here means that different people find different ways to emotionally express romantic love and affection.

According to Dr. Gary Chapman the five languages of love are:

  • Spending quality time with your partner

  • Receiving gifts

  • Physical touch to show affection

  • Words of affirmation

  • Acts of service

The author cleverly demonstrates that different people have a different response to all these acts of love. For example, while receiving gifts may be an act of love to one person, it might not be to another person.

Every person has unique needs when it come to love. Therefore, for a relationship to be successful, you first of need to know which language of love your partner responds to. You then need to make sure you consistently show them love in a language they emotionally agree with.

In his book, Dr. Chapman gives plenty of illustrations from his own practice. Additionally, this informative and well written book also contains questions, questionnaires and answers that will help you determine whether you know which language of love your partner responds to.

2. “Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work” – by Matthew McKay, PhD and Patrick Fanning

This book will help couples understand how to resolve any problems they encounter in their relationship. The book made our ‘best relationship books’ hit – list as it is an excellent help in keeping yourself informed about any potential or actual issues in your relationship, and how to do them right.

Patrick Fanning and Mathew McKay help getting you to acquire skills that will come in handy in improving communication, resolving relationship conflicts in a healthily way and coping with problems that relationships deal with on a daily basis. The book illustrates very nicely how couples can manage to communicate honestly and openly.

Additionally, this book focuses on a little known but highly effective technique that can strengthen a relationship, the so called ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). This technique helps couples accept and deal with their personal emotions and feelings to alter what may influence their relationships. After reading this book, a couple will be able to decide what is important to them. They will also be able to take steps to ensure their relationship meets the needs of each partner, equally.

Apart from being an easy read, this book also provides useful and unique techniques. A couple can easily implement these in their daily relationship – lives. If you are in the market for a fun and enjoyable book that will strengthen your relationship, then “Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work” by Matthew McKay, PhD and Patrick Fanning is a great choice.

Also Read: How to make a Guy miss You

3. “Deal Breakers: When to Work On a Relationship and When to Walk Away” – by Dr. Bethany Marshall

Definitely one of the best relationship books for women who have a history of bad relationships. The book specifically tackles and discusses unhealthy men. This books helps a woman examine the relationships she has had in the past. It helps to examine the people they choose to date and to discover any repeated patterns.

The book will make a woman ask herself why she may have been in countless relationships that have not worked. If you are looking for a book that will help you understand why you have consistently dated men who ended up hurting you then this is a great choice.

After this book you will be able to determine what your deal breakers are. This will help you set a new standard to avoid getting into unhealthy relationships that will hurt and disappoint you in the end. You will be able to decide whether the man you are currently dating is worth fighting for.

4. “Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship” – by Mira Kirshenbaum

This book is essentially a detailed guide that will help you know when it is time to leave a relationship. It contains self analysis techniques that will help ascertain whether you are in a healthy relationship or in a situation that is only dragging you down and wasting your precious time and effort.

The book is specifically tailored to help the reader get to the roots of the problems in their relationships. That  way you can come to a sensible and reasonable conclusion regarding any issues. The self analysis techniques in this highly informative book will help you look at your relationship objectively and practically. You will be able to decide to either stay and fight for your relationship, or to move on. The book emphasizes on putting your best interest first and only compromising when it is within reason.

5. “47 Little Love Boosters For a Happy Marriage: Connect and Instantly Deepen Your Bond No Matter How Busy You Are” – by Marko Petkovic

Our last pick in the “best relationship books” series addresses relationships both in the ‘golden days’ and also in today’s modern days. It is a great book for couples who are struggling to keep the romance and passion alive.

The book uses testimonials from happy couples to give you tips on how to keep a relationship alive. According to this book, it only takes a few minutes a day to show love, affection and concern to the person you love. It is all about taking the prerogative to make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

And there is more! The book actually comes with an audio book that you and your partner can listen to together. That way, you can collaboratively make your relationship stronger and more affectionate.

With the help of this little guide, a couple can effectively strengthen their marriage or relationship. You will be able to reignite the passion and romance that fades when partners stop trying. Happy reading!

Recommended Reading: The best Love .pdf Books

How to get a Boyfriend – Get a new Boyfriend now!

Tired of being Single? Learn the best Tips on How to get a Boyfriend fast!

So, you are single and trying to figure out how to get a boyfriend in your life. You are watching your friends go out on dates with their boyfriends while you sit at home. You are lonely and wanting a companion, now more than ever. The bad news is, you are all alone – the good news is, you don’t have to be!  how to get a boyfriend

For most girls, one of the most important questions is usually related to how to get a boyfriend in high school or college.

We have a collection of some of the very best tips and tricks on how to get a boyfriend if you are shy.


Here is a List of 14 Top Tips to Follow:

  1. Appearance first!

  2. Make a good impression

  3. Be welcoming

  4. Be attentive to him

  5. Become his friend first

  6. Make yourself approachable

  7. Offer a smile

  8. Check him out

  9. Seek compatibility

  10. Be attentive to him

  11. Get close to him

  12. Show your true self

  13. Appreciate him

  14. Whatever you do – take it slow

1. Appearance First!

One of the best tips that I can offer you is to take care of yourself. The thing that most people notice when they first meet someone new is how they look.

If you have a clean, neat appearance you are more likely to attract someone. Getting past a slovenly appearance is difficult. Pay attention to what you wear around that special guy. You will always want to look neat and tidy. No guy wants to go out with someone who has no self-respect.

Keeping fit is another good tip for meeting the man of your dreams. Getting plenty of exercise and eating the right foods will ensure that you are physically appealing to any man, which is an important factor in what makes a man fall in love. An added benefit to eating the right food is that your hair will shine and your skin will glow.

tips on how to get a boyfriend

2. Make a Good Impression

The thing that most people notice when they first meet someone is how the person looks. If you have a clean and neat appearance you are more likely to attract someone. It is hard to get past a slovenly exterior. How you look says a lot about who you are.

Wondering what really makes a man fall in love? The truth is, a guy will notice your appearance long before he gets to know you. Keep yourself clean and make sure you wear nice clothes. You will attract his attention by making yourself completely irresistible.

Keeping fit is another good tip for meeting the man of your dreams. Getting plenty of exercises and eating the right foods will ensure that you are physically appealing to any man. An added benefit to eating right is that your hair will shine and your skin will glow.

3. Be Welcoming

When you are attracted to someone, it is important that you have a friendly vibe. Making yourself approachable is important in the world of dating. If you seem rude or unfriendly, then he will prefer to stay away from you.

If the guy you like is a bit shy and reclusive, then you may want to go ahead and start the conversation. Once he sees how friendly you are he will then relax and start opening up.

suggested presentation on getting into a new relationship

Click here to watch this incredible free presentation on how to be absolutely irresistible to him!

4. Be Attentive to Him

When you first get to know him pay close attention to the things that he says, what he likes, or shows interest in. Then find out as much as you can about those things.

One good tip is to buy some tickets to his favorite sports game or even to find concert tickets for his favorite music group. This will not only get him really excited, but it will also give you a chance to casually go out with him. He won’t even know what hit him.

5. Become his Friend first

Becoming his friend first will ensure closeness between the two of you. You wonder how to make a man love you? Successful relationships usually start with the couple being friends first. Besides, think of how much fun it will be getting to know him better.

It is important that the potential boyfriend knows you first as a friend, and you should seek to encourage this if you are truly interested in understanding how to make a man love you.

Building on your friendship helps you develop a high degree of trust, which will serve your relationship well in the following weeks and months. Friendship will not only make a guy like you but also help both of you to discover more about each other and what you consider to be important.

6. Make yourself Approachable

Men, in general, consider being approachable as one of the top traits in a lady. A man will hesitate to come and talk to you if he believes that you are not approachable.

Being approachable is a trait that should be developed and worked on, as you never know when the man you are interested in will make an appearance and seek to talk to you.

If you do catch the eye of a very shy man, you may have to make the first move. That’s alright, just slowly make your way over to him and let him see what a friendly and outgoing person you are.

7. Offer a Smile

This one is really important when trying to get a great guy. A lady who is not afraid to offer a smile once in a while to the man she is interested in stands a better chance of getting him as a boyfriend. The message that you communicate to him when you smile and look into his eyes is that he can proceed if he wishes.

Most men are left with a lingering memory of this encounter, and this helps them develop a curiosity.

8. Check him out

It is always important to make sure that a potential boyfriend doesn’t already have a girlfriend. It is not appropriate to seek out somebody who is already in a relationship. Hence, before you embark on winning him over for yourself, find out if he is in fact already spoken for.

9. Seek Compatibility

Another top secret on how to get a boyfriend revolves around the issue of compatibility, which is very important to men as well.

If you’re interested in a guy, get to know his interests, and then let him know if there are any areas of common or shared interests. This simply helps the guy to appreciate the fact that thus far, you are the ideal partner for him as a girlfriend and eventually as a wife.

10. Be Attentive to Him

When you first get to know him pay close attention to the things that he says he likes or shows an interest in. Then find out as much as you can about those things. Having a common ground will give you a starting point to develop a relationship with that special guy.

11. Get Close to Him

The best way to develop a relationship with someone is to get close to that person first. The best start to learn how to make a guy fall in love with you is by just hanging out with him. And before you know it the sparks will fly.

Whatever you do, take it slow. Don’t let a guy think, even for one minute, that he might be pressured into a serious relationship with you. Sneak into a relationship with him by being his friend. Chemistry will take over from there.

You will probably make lots of mistakes when learning how to get a boyfriend. If you slowly integrate yourself into his life by becoming his friend it won’t be long before he is thinking of you as so much more.

12. Show your True Self

As a lady, you should always work on being interesting while remaining true to yourself. It helps in making and keeping a man interested in you.

It is important that the lady, while being interesting, remains true to herself rather than put on a personality that is not hers, only for the man to discover who she really is later on.

13. Appreciate Him

Men usually have relatively bigger egos than most ladies. The target of the girl should always be to make him feel appreciated by satisfying his ego.

If you are constantly crushing his ego, it could lead to a situation where the relationship is damaged, as his perception will be that he is not being appreciated, no matter what he does. However, you must also expect appreciation from him and this is where good communication comes in.

14. Whatever you do – Take it Slow

If a guy feels pressured into a serious relationship even just for a minute, he will try to pull away.

Figuring out how to get a boyfriend is not always easy. You will need to go through a lot of “not so great guys” before you find the right guy. Really understanding how to get a boyfriend by following the above tips will help you greatly. That way, you will soon be looking into the eyes of the man of your dreams.

Also read: Make Him Commit

How to make a Guy fall for You … for Good!

The TOP 10 Tips on how to make a Guy fall for You

Making a man love you doesn’t seem like a normal hobby, and most girls would attest that the experience can get a little frustrating for words. However, you must realize that learning how to make a guy fall for you is entirely possible.

Gone are the days when love seems to be something that only destiny permits, now you can create attraction and make that boy yours at last!

how to make a guy fall for youThe process doesn’t happen in a blink, though, and it requires a little effort on your part, but it sure is one exciting and thrilling ride you don’t want to miss.

Learning how to make a guy fall for you has to start with recognizing the power of being a bit elusive. Decades ago women were told that playing hard to get was the real way to a man’s heart.

That advice holds true today, as well. As much as we believe that our man wants us to be an open book, he doesn’t.

Men like women who are mysterious and a little hard to read. They want you to stay just out of their reach at the beginning of the relationship. They like that. It helps to make a man feel as though he needs to pursue you to capture your heart.

Don’t always be available to him, or be willing to see him whenever he chooses. Keep a bit of distance between you two. He’ll want you more because of it.

The following are our TOP 10 Tips on how to make a Guy fall for you:

  1. Physical Appearance

  2. Attitude

  3. Cultivate a Friendship

  4. Be helpful

  5. Flirt and let him know you’re interested

  6. Don`t do nice Things for him, let him do nice Things for you

  7. Give him the Eye

  8. Put a mystery Magnet

  9. Wait to have Sex

  10. Love him for all that he is

1. Physical Appearance

First and foremost, you need to be nice looking and have a personality for a guy to fall in love with you. But this doesn’t mean that you have to go for plastic surgery and change your appearance just to look “pretty”.

Guys are easily attracted to the natural beauty of a woman. What I mean here for a pleasant appearance is to look elegant and confident as a lady. Whenever you are going out, choose a nice simple make-up and presentable attire and make sure you look comfortable and cheerful.

Don’t make yourself look too childish. And don’t ever choose a non-matching color combination for your attire and accessories because this will show that you have bad taste in fashion.

After choosing the right dress you can apply a simple makeup, eyeliner and mascara with shiny lip-gloss are totally sufficient. You can also put on a light eye shadow if you want. Remember not to choose a pair of high heels just to make you look taller. This will only hurt your feet.

Don’t overdo yourself too much as guys might get frightened or feel embarrassed. All you have to do is to be yourself and be confident.

2. Attitude

Besides physical appearance, guys often look into your personalities and attributes. Do not project bad manners or bad attitude. Try to change yourself for the better. Remember not to behave pretentiously to be good as this might lead to misunderstandings in the future.

Guys like a girl who is well mannered and polite. Besides that, don’t easily get into a bad temper or be moody. Whatever happens, try to discuss and pursue amicable solutions.

If you are looking for a stable, long lasting relationship, be a more caring and understanding lady. Guys need someone sweet and loving as their life companion and not someone who is boastful and arrogant. If you have all these good attributes, you will quickly see how easy it can be to make a man fall for you.

3. Cultivate a Friendship

Wondering how to make a guy fall for you? Cultivate a great friendship first! You need to show him that you care. Build up the foundation of your relationship first, by being his best friend. Be the one there for him no matter what. Support him in his dreams and make sure you are there for everything.

4. Be helpful

Guys are easily attracted to girls who are confident and positive. If you are someone with confidence, you will be able to judge things rationally. A guy would want a life companion who can help him in the future by sharing ideas and thoughts together.

For example, if he is facing a problem in his workplace, he might want to share this with you. You could give him some some suggestions on how to make things get better. If you are not able to help him to solve his concerns, your moral support is the best thing for him. This will make him feel reassured and that you are important to him and care for him.

5. Flirt and let him know you’re interested

Read his body language in order to find out if he likes to be around you, as well. Pay attention whether he makes eye contact and is a little bit happier when you’re around. Make use of some flirting signals to get him all wondering if you’re tempting him to come a bit closer.

6. Don`t do nice Things for him, let him do nice Things for you

Are you still wondering on how to make a guy fall for you? Don’t over-flatter him as this will lead to him getting used to your complements, killing the very thing you are trying to achieve. Instead, it’s much better only to complement anybody when they deserve it. Don’t be false.

7. Give him the Eye

When wondering how to make a guy like you, remember that eye contact is very important in every situation – be it in a business setting or when it comes to finding a great guy as it creates a sense of confidence and trust.

For example, how would you feel if you find your man constantly gazing or looking in your eyes? This tactic works! Actually, it has been scientifically proven to be one of the most effective and successful tactics a woman can use.

8. Put a mystery Magnet

According to psychology, its human nature to get attracted or interested to what is hidden. Confused? Well don’t be, it’s easy! All this means is don’t be telling your guy every little, single fact about yourself. Instead, keep some things secret. For example, assume you already know the ending of a movie, would you be `as` interested in watching it then?

9. Wait to have Sex

While it is often easy to find yourself jumping into bed with a guy, it is not the best way to go if you want to make a man fall for you. You need to hold off so that you can bond emotionally in a way that will allow the relationship to grow. Sex often replaces this potential bond, and that isn’t what you want.

10. Love him for all that he is

We all know it – it is so easy to think that you can change a man. However, you won’t be able to do it, and you both will end up hurt over unfulfilled expectations and endless arguments.

However, if you love him for all that he is today you will go somewhere. He will feel loved, comfortable, and accepted. This is very important if you want to light his fire.

How to make a Guy fall for You … Remember that Patience is a Virtue!

It is so essential for you to understand that there is no way you can make your man fall in love with you spontaneously. Hence be patient with him as relationship – building is a gradual process. And as you know, patience pays … you will get to win his love with time!

By the way, there is also always the option to take the initiative and ask him out directly. Read here on the best ways how to ask a friend out without jeopardizing any friendship with him.

To recap on how to make a man fall for you – make sure you cultivate a real friendship, wait to have sex, take your time, and love him for all that he is. That’s all it takes to make sure he loves you and cares for you deeply.

Further Reading: Things to do to make Him miss You

How to Get a Man … find a good Man in 7 easy Steps!

The best Tips on How to Get a Man … a good Man, that is!

It is really not very easy for a woman to find a ‘decent’ man, neither is it easy for a man to find a ‘good’ woman. It is equally difficult for a woman to actually find some good tips on how to get a man while making sure she connects with the right person, with a ‘good’ to get a man

Isn’t it tiring to continually fall in love with men who hurt us and take us women for granted?

This article will give you tips on how to avoid such landmines.

We will show you how to catch a great guy who will love and appreciate you the way you deserve.

Here are Our TOP 7 Tried and True Tips on How to Find a Good Man for a Lasting Partnership:

  1. Be yourself around the man you are trying to attract

  2. Have your own fulfilling life

  3. Trust issues are the fastest way to lose a good man

  4. Relax, be cool and take things easy

  5. Ask yourself – why do I want a man in my life?

  6. You want to learn how to get a man? Then it’s time to quit playing games!

  7. Treat the man you intend to attract with respect

Also read: How to make a Guy fall in Love with you

1. Be Yourself Around the Man You are Trying to Attract

When you meet a man you are attracted to for the very first time, avoid putting on an act or any kind of facade. Although there is nothing wrong with trying to make a good impression, avoid taking it too far as this may in turn repel a man, simply because you may be trying too hard.

You want to attract a man because you are being authentic and real, otherwise they will be attracted to an act you are putting on, and not the ‘real you’.

The first time you meet a man who is attracted to you is your chance to show yourself in the best light – be genuine. Smile and be unique; avoid being too friendly and don’t flirt excessively.

2. Have Your Own Fulfilling Life

Dramatic or extremely clingy relationships can be the result of a woman desperately looking for a man to complete her.

Over time, many women tend to become obsessed by the question of how to get a man. Are you the same?

Even if you have low self-esteem because of failed past relationships, it is very important to work on rebuilding it. In the meantime, try to pursue your own goals. Stay focused and concentrate on your own goals instead of obsessing over how to get a man into your life.

When you have your own fulfilled life, you create the impression that you are a more complete person with your own independent dreams and goals, and all you need is a partner to love and accentuate what you already are as an individual.

Men love the feeling that their women have their own life, their “act” together. So if you want to learn how to get a man, you need to ensure that you have a complete life yourself.

What are indicators that you have a fulfilled life that a good man will admire?

A woman that is living her own, fulfilled life …

  • is capable of making sound decisions on her own
  • has her own friends and a life away from the relationship
  • has other personal goals aside from being in a relationship, such as climbing the career ladder or building their own business

recommended video presentation on finding a man for life

Click here to watch this incredible free presentation on how to be absolutely irresistible to him!

3. Trust Issues are the Fastest Way to Lose a Good Man

Trusting your man, even in the early stages of your relationship, shows that you have confidence in yourself and that you are trustworthy.

When a man shows you that he has feelings for you and he starts showing you some sort of commitment, avoid showing any major distrust, especially when the relationship is still new.

The first thing that will make a man run away is expressing a lack of trust in him. If you are intending to build a long-term relationship with a good man, you need to tell him when you feel like there is something to clarify. This will work better than spying and snooping on your partner, which will only make them lose trust in you.

When you communicate openly about your insecurities, you get to the bottom of any and all issues much faster. And equally importantly, you will not come across as ‘crazy’ or as being too possessive!

4. Relax, be Cool and Take Things Easy

The last thing any good man wants or needs is a moody, clingy and controlling woman. What men are looking for instead is a reasonable, sensible, fun and loving woman who is able to enjoy a great time with her partner.

Everyone has a lot going on in their own lives nowadays, so avoid being a ‘drama queen’ who transforms even the simplest situation into an opportunity for ‘drama’, to argue or fight. A man will lose interest very quickly if being with you is difficult rather than enjoyable for him.

Here are a few great ways to ensure your time with the man you want is relaxing and enjoyable:

  • Show concern and affection, for instance by giving him a back-massage after a rough day instead of consistently complaining about your own bad experiences during the day
  • Reciprocate any good gestures he may initiate
  • Create a comfortable environment that promotes open and sincere communication. When a man is comfortable around you it boosts the chances of making you not only his lover, but also his friend. Love and friendship are a perfect combination to attract and keep a good man around!

By the way, in case the person you are interested in is already a friend of yours, don’t be shy to make the first step in getting closer to him. Read this post here in case you are not sure how to ask a friend out.

5. Ask Yourself – Why do I Want a Man in My Life?

The last thing you want is to get a man for the wrong reasons. Do that and you will most likely end up attracting the wrong man, or treating a good guy the wrong way.

If you wonder how to find a man only because you need a man to fill a void or in order to not be lonely then you should first take some time with yourself. The best situation in life to find a good man is when your mental state is clear and relaxed. If you are looking for a good and healthy relationship, you need to look to find a man for the right reasons.

You wonder what some of these right intentions could be? Simple! They include:

  • Seeking companionship
  • Looking for a life partner
  • Looking for a friend who will be your confidant

6. You Want to Learn How to Get a Man? Then it’s Time to Quit Playing Games!

No man wants a woman who is playing head-games all the time. When a man realizes that you are playing head games, it is an indication that you are deceptive and likely to hurt him in the long run.

Playing head-games is the fastest way to make a good man run away. The most effective way of avoiding games is open and sincere communication.

7. Treat the Man You Intend to Attract with Respect

This is one of most important things a woman needs to follow when trying to understand how to get a man and keep him. The last thing any man wants is a woman who emasculates him, be it in private or in public.

Help the partner of your choice to feel good about himself! What many women don’t realize is that most men are just as insecure as they are. So, when you are in the presence of his family and friends, take the opportunity to brag about your man. Doing so will make him feel wanted and appreciated.

Final Thoughts

Don’t obsess over trying to figure out how to make a guy like you and how to get into a relationship. Don’t attempt to turn your life completely upside-down just because you cannot find a good man right away.

Be patient. Live a fulfilled life and also respect yourself – it is the only way you will find a great guy who, in turn, will love and respect you for what you are.

Read also: How to get a Boyfriend and more Relationship Advice for Women

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You – The Top 10 Ways

How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You – These 10 Ways Work!

how to make him fall in love

Still struggling with those corny lines while wondering how to make a guy fall in love with you? “You have got me so stupefied, that I can’t see straight”, “The moment I saw you, I was so captivated by your charm that I ran into a wall”, “Could you write your number down for me”?

Well, when it comes to how to make a guy fall for you, and how to impress a guy, girls sometimes make use of these over-the-top lines. But, is this outdated approach good enough to impress a guy in the twenty-first century? No! Like, a big no!

When most girls set out to impress a guy, they do all the wrong things. Well, if you are one fear not!

Here Are Our Top Ten Recommended Ways to Make Him Fall in Love With You:

  1. Act like an adult

  2. Be well groomed

  3. Ignore your phone

  4. Compliment him

  5. Look him in the eye

  6. Be genuine and don’t have an attitude

  7. Good communication skills

  8. Great sense of humor

  9. Go the extra mile

  10. Listen, listen, and listen

1. Act Like An Adult

Oh, this is such a big one! But, this will surely help him decide if you are date-worthy or not. If you have been throwing tantrums all your life, now is the time to drop it like a hot potato!

Yes, you read that right! If you want to impress him, be a woman, and act like an adult.

Show off your womanly personality, be kind and compassionate, have an opinion about things, and respect the opinion of others. Be transparent, and take good care of your physical appearance.

make him fall in love with you - ten tips

2. Be Well Groomed

Do you know that your untidy dress, long and unkempt hair, mismatched clothing, facial hair, or anything of that nature shows that you do not care about your physical appearance?

This can immensely decrease your chance of him falling in love with you! Your appearance can help you lose or win when it comes to dating. Think about it; you always judge a guy based on the way he looks, so why wouldn’t he do the same with you?

So choose your style and your clothing to match the occasion. Do your best to appear as good as possible. You can get him interested in you by being presentable and pleasant.

3. Ignore Your Phone

Yes, this is almost impossible! But, at least do it when you are around him. Let him know that even your precious phone is not as precious as he is! Remember, your phone can be a major culprit in your communication breakdown.

It can get in the way, making it impossible for you to wholeheartedly devote your attention to the present moment and to him. And as a result, you may lose out on several moments of wonder that are special and that can never to be lived again.

4. Compliment Him

Come on, you have to! Wondering how to make a guy fall in love with you? This is one of the easiest ways to grab his attention.  You can always compliment him by saying how good he looks, or his dress sense is wonderful, or the color looks great on him, and things like that.

If you’re not in the habit of paying compliments, try it. You’ll be surprised how easy it is, and you’ll love the results! By the way, him showering you with compliments in turn is one of the strongest signs he likes you more than a friend.

5. Look Him in the Eye

Wondering how to make him fall in love with you? Look him in the eye! Wow, that is certainly romantic! Isn’t it? So girls, do not hesitate! This is your chance to look a dashing man up and down.

Also, when you do begin talking to a guy, show an interest in him. You must talk about the things he likes to do, in order to keep a man interested. This does not imply that you should interview him, but it does mean that you should show interest in the things he likes and cares about.

presentation on how to make him fall in love with you

Check out this Free Presentation and Instantly Learn the Secrets of the ‘Language of Desire’

6. Be Genuine and Don’t Have an Attitude

Don’t always blow your own horn girls! A guy will never be interested in someone who just keeps talking about themselves.

So be composed, flexible, and don’t react impulsively. Respect yourself and respect others. If you really want to get him to fall for you, be charismatic. A charismatic woman can talk to almost everyone and make them feel at ease.

7. Good Communication Skills

“Go to hell”, “Oh shit” and other such words without good cause can make you sound foolish. No guy wants to be with a wacky girl who does not know how to be genuine and talk respectfully.

These words are very common when you are around your girlfriends, but they should not be a part of your conversation when you are with him.

Also, become aware of your body language. Look him in the eye when you speak, smile often, do not cross your legs or arms in a defensive pose, stand up straight and position your head high with your shoulders back.

8. Great Sense of Humor

This is no big surprise! Guys absolutely love girls who have a humorous side. A girl with a good sense of humor not only makes a guy forget his woes but also makes him laugh.

A strong sense of humor is one of the preeminent qualities men desire in women. So just be as natural as you can, and avoid pranks and juvenile jokes.

9. Go The Extra Mile

Go, just go! This will be richly rewarding, not in terms of money, but in terms of love.

Try to find out what he likes. If he is into chocolates, consider what flavor he prefers. What is his favorite dish? Does he play sport? Find out all you can about him. This will give you some great gift ideas. Remember, sometimes it is the smallest gesture that can make a lasting impression!

10. Listen, Listen, and Listen

For some women, this top-ten rule on how to make a guy fall in love with you can be difficult to follow, but it is a very important one! After all, some good facial expressions, and a smile is all that it takes.

Remember, every guy loves to be attentively listened to, so be an empathetic listener, value his opinion and do not get in the way of what he is saying. Oh, and don’t worry, you too will get a chance to speak up! Just wait for the right time.

Final Thoughts on How to Make a Guy Fall in Love With You

There is absolutely no magic formula to impress him, but the most important thing you can do is – just be yourself! If you can be true to yourself and show all these types of qualities, your perfect match will certainly fall for you.

And of course, follow the magical Top – 10 rules above on how to make a guy fall in love with you, then your charismatic personality, great sense of humor, wonderful intellect, or your enthralling talent will surely impress him.

Further Reading: How to make a Man love You

How to understand Men – The 12 Golden Rules

The 12 Rules – Guide to understanding Men

Almost all women seem to wonder at times how to understand men. Are you one of them? At the same token, have you ever watched those women who seem to have such an easy time being with men and wondered how they understand their male – partner so easily?

Relationships today are complicated and can be very confusing.


Men may want one thing, women may want another. When men speak, they use their language, which is not necessarily the language of women.

So how can women truly learn how to understand men, their motives, wants, and needs?

In this article we will give you 12 “golden rules” on understanding men. Go through those rules and male behavior will make a lot more sense to you, clearing the path for a healthier, more loving relationship between you and him.

How to understand Men – The 12 Golden Rules – Guide:

  1. Sexual Desire

  2. Capacity to Understand

  3. The Fear that holds them back

  4. Look at your Relationship

  5. Where you fit

  6. Let him know in clear, simple Terms what you want

  7. Be clear on what you will do if you don’t get what you want

  8. Be persistent

  9. Men hate Arguments and Confrontation

  10. Know his Boundaries

  11. If you’re not sure, ask

  12. Start the Conversation

Let’s go through those 12 rules on how to understand men together to make sure we cover everything.

1. Sexual Desire

Men are sexually driven. It’s in their DNA, it’s in their makeup, it’s who and what they are. The thought of sex crosses a man’s mind more often than you might think.

But does that mean that sex is all they want? Certainly not. Though sex will always be an important part of any relationship he builds with a woman, when a man chooses to settle down and commit to one woman, he’s looking for a lot more.
link to a complimentary video on how to understand men better

Watch this free presentation on making him go absolutely crazy for you just by the right choice of words!

2. Capacity to Understand

Men are often just as confused about women as we are about them. But when they embark on a new relationship, they want to do their best to understand that one woman.

Don’t be too quick to get upset if your new guy can’t read your mind and doesn’t instinctively know what you want. Give him a chance to learn about you and you’ll see that he’ll soon read you like a book.

Though men do want to get into a woman’s pants, when he’s serious about a relationship, he wants to get inside her mind, as well. He truly wants to learn and understand what she is all about.

Read also: How to know if a Guy really likes You

3. The Fear that holds them back

When women think of a committed relationship, they dream of all the great things that will come to their life. Companionship, love, security and a strong partnership with a good man are all part of that dream.

However, when men view a committed relationship they might see a bit of what you’re seeing, but they also see the restrictions, the demands and the huge sacrifice they’ll have to make to make you happy.

4. Look at your Relationship

You should look at yourself and the kind of relationship you are in. How often do you go out with him? Are you still struggling in how to understand men? Do you think you understand men in general? Are you happy together? There are always signs in a relationship when things are going bad or good.

Be very vigilant on the signals he’s giving so you know how men think. If he tries to fix fights as soon as possible, that means he’s still working hard for the relationship. On the other hand, if he seems distant, then it’s maybe time to leave him.

Take note of the little things, because they will amount to much larger things in the long run. Just be careful not to be too insecure because it just might be a cause of more confusion for him. Another important thing to know is that you shouldn’t demand anything more from your man than what you are willing to do yourself.

You can’t judge him for being addicted to sports if you cannot turn away from clothes or shoes. You should not demand him to work more if you aren’t enjoying your job. It’s all about giving love and respect to receiving them as well. Don’t break up with him for something that you haven’t given yourself. That is not the way to understand men and how men think.

5. Where you fit

Some women try and fit themselves into a slot that either doesn’t exist in a man or doesn’t quite fit. If a woman knows that she’s friends with a man and accepts that, that impresses the man. If she knows that the man is interested in her and knows the pace at which he wants to take the relationship, the relationship would progress at a rate that will allow the relationship to flourish best. It’s all about understanding yourself first to understand the dynamics of your other relationships.

6. Let him know in clear, simple Terms what you want

You wonder how to make a guy fall in love with you and if it will ever happen? Do not assume that he will somehow figure out what you want. Let him know the kind of commitment you want from him and why you expect it from him. And then leave him alone with that information and see what he says.

Resist the temptation to nag him about it, but casually bring it up later so that you know his position. Understanding men requires that you do not do it in a confrontational manner or he will not hear you…he will just hear nagging and he will shut you off. Quietly tell him what you want and then leave him alone for a while so that he can absorb the information.

7. Be clear on what you will do if you don’t get what you want

Resist the temptation to berate him if he is not ready for the commitment that you want, but also let him know what you can and cannot do at the commitment level that he is comfortable with. And it cannot be an idle threat and neither should you completely cut him off your life.

The ideal situation is if you can come and leave for periods of time so that he is well aware of what he has with you and he understands that he can lose you if he doesn’t commit to you. For you to do this successfully, you must be completely sure and committed to your cause of making him commit to you, and you must be willing to let him see how serious you are.

Do not play mind games with him but show him how serious you are about commitment. When you are with him treat him well and when you away keep in contact but have a life apart from him so he knows that you cannot give him a commitment while he doesn’t do the same for you.

8. How to understand Men – be persistent

Change takes time, and you will need to be willing to stay the course until he understands how serious you are. If you cave in then, you will teach him that you are not serious about commitment and change that attitude, later on, will be hard and you will probably have to take whatever commitment crumbs he throws your way.

I’m sure you have heard it said that ‘you teach people how to treat you’ and you need to teach him how to treat you as far as commitment goes. Otherwise he will learn that he gives you only the commitment level that he wants regardless of what you say you want. If you give in to your fears and insecurities, then commitment from him will elude you.

9. Men hate Arguments and Confrontation

For a man, conflict means that one person has to win, and the other has to lose. Any problem is better resolved when there is no emotion attached, which is not as threatening to them.

If emotions do become involved, a man will struggle to contain his emotions and so withdraw and become silent. They do not do this as a punishment. Rather they are desperately trying to keep themselves under control.

10. Know his Boundaries

There are certain things that your man simply doesn’t want you to talk about. Accept it. Don’t challenge him. If they’re touchy topics for him, simply leave it at that. You wouldn’t want him talking about your private issues either, would you?

I’m not pointing the finger at the ladies; all I know is that some women do tend to be more open and sharing about their relationships than men are. This can take some time for men to get used to.

11. If you’re not sure, ask

Are you still not quite sure how to understand men? Well, if you’re not sure, ask them … simply go and make the effort to ask your man about the issues.

This shows that at least you’re paying attention and that you’re sensitive to the man and the topics or issues he might find uncomfortable talking about. It might seem obvious, but more relationships have been broken up from misunderstandings and miscommunication than from anything else.

12. Start the Conversation

To prevent it from ever happening, simply tell your man what you wouldn’t want him to talk about with his friends. This will get you thinking about what you don’t like and will make you realize that he would probably feel the same way.

He will probably reciprocate and ask you the same thing in return. In case he doesn’t, simply ask him. If he doesn’t mind, then don’t worry. If he does have sensitive topics, then make sure you’re clear on what they are.

Final Thoughts on understanding Men

You need to know how to understand men if you want a healthy relationship. Once you do, you will live a life without having to cry or shout at him.

Figuring out how men think and getting into their psychology isn’t difficult, you just have to see with his eyes for a bit, and you’ll gain understanding. We are sure that before mentioned 12 “golden rules” will help you with this.

Read also: The best Tips on how to get a Man

How to Get a Man to Marry you – Do’s and Don’ts

How to Get a Man to Marry You: Make Him Want to Spend the Rest of His Life With You

When you genuinely love a man, the general path that you foresee is getting married, eventually. But just how to get a man to marry you? How do you actually go from being just ‘another girl’ to being the woman that he wants commit to?

how to get a man to marry you

What should you do to make him love you and want to spend the rest of his life with you?

While you shouldn’t necessarily change who you are, there are some things you need to do to create a stronger bond and to make your man commit.


Let’s Look at How to Get a Man to Marry You Without Pressuring Him

  1. Make sure he actually is the right man for you!

  2. Date two or more guys at a time

  3. Take care of yourself

  4. Show your affection

  5. Make references to happily married couples

  6. Ask a friend of yours to drop a hint

  7. Get his opinion on children

  8. Make him jealous

  9. Ask him!

1. Make Sure He Actually is the Right Man for You!

Before you even think of applying your feminine charms to get a man to marry you, you should be pretty certain that he is the best guy for you. It would be pointless to expend all your effort and time on trying to answer just how to get a man to marry you, if the guy you have in mind isn’t serious in spending the rest of his life with you.

how to get a man to marry you

2. Date Two or More Guys at a Time

Are you almost obsessing over the question of how to get a guy to marry you? Don’t make the mistake of concentrating all your efforts on one guy and then realize when it’s too late, that you can’t settle with him.

Instead, date at least two guys at a time. By dating two guys at a time, you get a chance to read the minds of two different guys. Compare them and decide which one matches your goals and aspirations for a marriage partner.

When a man is then really ready to take the relationship to the next level, give yourself to him exclusively.

Also Read: How to be a better Girlfriend

3. Take Care of Yourself

Attraction is very important in any relationship. While you should make it a top priority to commit to your relationship, this doesn’t mean you stop caring about yourself. It is important that you maintain yourself so as to keep him interested and the fire of love burning in your relationship.

Eat well, stay active, take time to visit family and friends and ensure you do things that you enjoy. Pursue your education and follow your career goals.

This way, your man will see you as someone who has their own goals and not as someone who is just consumed with him. Taking care of yourself also makes you feel and look your best. He wants to date that beautiful, confident and sexy woman you truly are. Therefore, do not neglect yourself. Make caring for you a top priority.

get him interested in marrying you

Check out this free presentation for the secrets on how to virtually ‘addict him’ to you!

4. Show Your Affection

Women want to be loved, kissed, hugged and be praised often by their partner. However, understand that your man wants the very same, believe me.

He wants to see you keeping those sensual touches, romantic gestures and loving demeanor alive every day, all day. Do whatever you have to do, including holding his hand in public.

In order to keep your man happy, tell him how much you love him and that he means the world to you. If he looks nice today, tell him. If he gets a promotion at work, tell him that you are very happy and proud of him.

Men are not mind readers. Even if you do care for him a lot, he won’t know until you spit it out. Men need reassurances. You can give him that with regular gestures and words of affection.

5. Make References to Happily Married Couples

Once you know for sure that he is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, one thing you can do to ease into the subject of getting married, is by commenting on couples both of you know and who are happily married.

Talk of relatives, friends or even some celebrities who are happily married. Comment on how devoted and loyal they seem, and how great they are for one another.

6. Ask a Friend of Yours to Drop a Hint

If you want him to marry you, you need to get a little creative. You can ask a close friend of yours to drop him a hint. Ask your friend to ask him what his true intentions are.

You could also have a few of your friends comment to him what a great couple the two of you would make. If he thinks that people see the two of you as a great couple, he will think of being married to you as a great plan.

7. Get His Opinion on Children

If your guy comments that he loves kids, wants to have some or that he wants to have kids with you, he is definitely on the right path. You just need to nudge him gently and he will soon pop the question.

8. Make Him Jealous youtube channelThe idea is to show him that other men also desire you. This will make him completely fall for you. If he truly loves you and wants to marry you, he will ensure that the whole world knows you are his … and his alone.


9. Ask Him!

Have you tried all of the above, but nothing seems to get him to commit to you? Are you starting to literally obsess over the question of how to get a man to marry you? Do you even wonder if he might be suffering from some kind of commitment phobia?

Well, consider this. You are a modern girl and there is absolutely nothing wrong in you asking him to marry you. If you are convinced that he is the right man for you but he is just too shy, you can be bold enough and ask him!

How to Get a Man to Marry You – Things NOT to do!

  • Don’t give him an ultimatum

Avoid pressuring him too much or dropping too many deliberate hints. He may see you as a bother, and you don’t want this.

  • Don’t act out

As in any relationship, there will be tough times, quarrels and even fights. You will encounter frustrating experiences not only with your partner but also in  your personal life.

Men want to be with women who are understanding and can navigate through hard times in a marriage. Remember to always calm your emotions first.

By remaining calm and then expressing yourself, you will give room for the two of you to improve your connection and communication. If you are the one at fault, accept responsibility and apologize. This will teach him to also do the same when he is at fault.

  • Don’t expect him to be what he is not

Do not pressure your man to act like your sister’s husband or your friend’s husband just because they seem like a perfect couple. Instead, accept him for who he truly is. Never try to change him as he might start thinking that marrying you would be a huge mistake. You don’t want this to happen.

Conclusion on How to Get a Man to Marry You

If you love your man so much that you want to marry him, it is upon you to make things work. Also remember that some men may be very interested but are just too shy to ask.

By dropping certain smaller (and bigger) hints, you could actually lead him to propose to you. The above are some surefire tips to eventually make a man ask you to marry him.

Read here: About understanding