Kiss on a first Date? Proven Ways to get it Right!

The question “kissing on the first date – yes or no?” is a question that offers many different answers, depending on who you ask. Some say it’s crucial in order to seal a second date, others say it’s way too intimate to do on a first date.

happy couple holding each other about to kissThere are some clues, which can help you to figure out this rather tricky situation. That’s where I come into the picture! Read on and be aware of the following:

  1. Kiss on a first Date? It doesn’t guarantee Anything!

  2. Follow your Instincts

  3. What’s the worst that could happen?

  4. Watch your Date’s  Body-Language

  5. Should You kiss on the first Date? It depends on the Kiss!

  6. Seal the Deal

In the end, it’s all about personal preference, but hopefully this will give you an idea on what to go by if you can’t decide if kissing on the first date is right for you.

1. Kiss on a first Date? It doesn’t guarantee Anything!

Kissing on the first date doesn’t mean that it’s meant to be and that it will be the last relationship you’ll ever have.

That being said, it can be the start of something good, as long as you keep your expectations realistic and realize that it doesn’t guarantee a “happily ever after”, which is anyway a myth more than anything else. However, it could be! Just be aware that it’s only a kiss on a first date, not a marriage proposal.

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2. Follow your Instincts

The date is going really well, and your instincts tells you to go in for a kiss. Your instinct is most likely right on that one! What does your gut tell you?

Follow what feels right and don’t over-think it.  This is a very simple dating rule, but an essential one. Don’t think about your “reputation”, what others have been telling you about it, or what your date might think. That person probably wants to go for it too!

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3. What’s the worst that could happen?

Even if the kiss is bad, or simply not good enough, what do you have to lose? The worst that could happen, if you decide not to kiss, is that your date feels unwanted and rejected; sensing that you weren’t interested. If you’re not, of course don’t kiss that person! That goes without saying.

But if you are, then you could lose the chance of a second date and the guy might pull away from you. If you kiss and it turned out to be unsatisfying and you don’t want to go out with this person again, so be it. At least you know where you stand. So there’s really no loosing by kissing on a first date.

4. Watch your Date’s  Body-Language

It takes two to tango, and the same applies to kissing. Even if you’re feeling it, the other person might not, so watch out for their body language and overall behavior. Trying to figure out how to understand men? A person’s body language can reveal the underlying truth for almost any situation.

It’s usually crystal clear whether they want more from you or not. Do they lean in, do they flirt heavily with you, and do they use every chance they can get to be close to you? A hand on your shoulder, an “accidental” hit against your waist, getting close to your face, whispering in your ear … if these aren’t indicators of your date’s interest, then I don’t know what is! You’re clearly in for a first kiss with that person. Don’t hesitate or doubt it. Remember that this is not about trying to get him to marry you, We are only talking about a kiss!

At the same time, his body language indicating reluctance on his part could indicate he likes you but is scared to move forward with kissing you.

5. Should You kiss on the first Date? It depends on the Kiss!

If you’re unsure on how to go about it, and you want to keep a certain modesty about the first kiss, that’s perfectly fine and understandable. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still kiss on the first date.

There are a whole range of kisses to give out! The best thing about the first kiss is that you can give your date a preview of what’s to come, if you end up dating afterwards! Let it be an innocent kiss, short and sweet. But at the same time, make it powerful and show your date your underlying passion.

Hold his/her face in your hands or gently tug on his/her shirt while kissing. It will be greatly appreciated! With that, you’re not giving away all your kissing skills at once, and reserve the best for last.

6. Seal the Deal

In my personal experience, a kiss on a first date has always led to a second one, and often times even to a relationship. If nothing else, multiple dates have occurred with that person before we realized it’s not the right fit after all.

I always expect a kiss in the end, if the date goes well, and so do many others I’ve talked to about this subject. So take a risk and seal the deal by kissing (if the date is going as well as hoped!).

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Do you Kiss on the first Date? The final Love Guide!

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